
🎉 2024.01—Our work Cross-Platform Comparison of Arbitrary Quantum Processes (with Congcong Zheng and Xutao Yu) was published in npj Quantum Information!

📰 2023.12—Our work Fidelity Estimation of Entangled Measurements with Local States (with Zanqiu Shen) was submitted to arXiv.

📰 2023.12—Our work Memory Effects in Quantum State Verification (with Siyuan Chen and Wei Xie) was submitted to arXiv.

📰 2023.09—Our work Retrieving non-linear features from noisy quantum states (with Benchi Zhao, Mingrui Jing, Lei Zhang, Xuanqiang Zhao, and Xin Wang) was submitted to arXiv.

🎉 2023.07—Our work Mitigating quantum errors via truncated Neumann series (with Yu-Ao Chen and Xin Wang) was published in Science China Information Sciences!

📰 2023.03—Our work Cross-Platform Comparison of Arbitrary Quantum Processes (with Congcong Zheng and Xutao Yu) was submitted to arXiv.

🎉 2022.09—Our work Dense Coding with Locality Restriction on Decoders: Quantum Encoders versus Superquantum Encoders (with Masahito Hayashi) was published in PRX Quantum!

🎉 2022.09—Our work Experimental optimal verification of three-dimensional entanglement on a silicon chip (with Lijun Xia, Liangliang Lu, Xinhe Jiang, Shining Zhu, and Xiaosong Ma) was published in New Journal of Physics!

📰 2022.06—Our work Detecting and Eliminating Quantum Noise of Quantum Measurements (with Shuanghong Tang and Congcong Zheng) was submitted to arXiv.

🎉 2022.05—Our work Detecting and quantifying entanglement on near-term quantum devices (with Zhixin Song, Xuanqiang Zhao, Zihe Wang, and Xin Wang) was published in npj Quantum Information!

🎉 2021.12—Our work Physical Implementability of Linear Maps and Its Application in Error Mitigation (with Jiaqing Jiang and Xin Wang) was published in Quantum!

📰 2021.11—Our work Mitigating quantum errors via truncated Neumann series (with Yu-Ao Chen and Xin Wang) was submitted to arXiv.

🎉 2021.05—Our work Measurement Error Mitigation via Truncated Neumann Series (with Yu-Ao Chen and Xin Wang) was accepted as a talk in TQC 2021 arXiv!

🎉 2021.03—Our work Finite Block Length Analysis on Quantum Coherence Distillation and Incoherent Randomness Extraction (with Masahito Hayashi and Kun Fang) was published in [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory!(

🎉 2021.02—Our work Permutation Enhances Classical Communication Assisted by Entangled States (with Masahito Hayashi) was published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory!

🎉 2020.10—Our work Towards the standardization of quantum state verification using optimal strategies (with Xinhe Jiang, Kaiyi Qian, Zhaozhong Chen, Zhiyu Chen, Liangliang Lu, Lijun Xia, Fangmin Song, Shining Zhu, and Xiaosong!Ma) was published in npj Quantum Information.

🎉 2020.04—Our work Quantification of Unextendible Entanglement and Its Applications in Entanglement Distillation (with Xin Wang and Mark Wilde) was accepted as a talk in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT!2020).

🎉 2020.03—Our work Application of the Resource Theory of Channels to Communication Scenarios (with Ryuji Takagi and Masahito Hayashi) was published in Physical Review Letters!

🎉 2020.03—Our work Permutation Enhances Classical Communication Assisted by Entangled States (with Masahito Hayashi) was accepted as a talk in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020)!

🎉 2019.09—Our work Optimal verification of two-qubit pure states (with Masahito Hayashi) was published in Physical Review A!